Welcome "Breakfasts"


Every year the PPA organises welcome "breakfasts" thinking mostly (but not exclusively) about the new families. It is the chance for the guardians to ask questions, share experiences and express their concerns and priorities for the upcoming school year.

These welcome "breakfasts" are in their 2nd edition and we are repeating the experience following last year's success. Last year we met over 40 parents and some of the points and suggestions made during these events helped us shape the agenda of our monthly meetings with the school leadership.

We aim to visit to all Park-IS campuses and try to make 2 sessions in each (one in the morning and another one in the afternoon) so we can meet as many parents as possible.

The meetings will have an approximate duration of 1h and will take place close to the schools. They are open to ALL parents and guardians and will have the presence of at least 2 elements of the PPA so we can address as many points as possible in 1h.

Here are the dates and venues for this year:

  • Belém - Padaria portuguesa (Av. Torre Belém 7B) 24/10 17:00
  • Belém - Padaria portuguesa (Av. Torre Belém 7B) 26/10 9:00
  • Restelo - Miss Brownie (Rua Rodrigo Reinel 5A) 24/10 17:00
  • Restelo - Miss Brownie (Rua Rodrigo Reinel 5A) 25/10 9:00
  • Praça de Espanha - tbd
  • Cascais - tbd

Please fill this form if you plan to attend (it takes 2 mins we promise) so we can plan ahead properly depending on the number of expected attendees.